Sunday, August 23, 2009

Unusual CPU usage by 'System', what to do?

I was having problems with my svchost eating up 99% of my CPU (Windows XP, Dell Latitude D600), so I disabled Windows Automatic Update, and that solved the problem. But now occasionally my CPU usage will increase to 100%, a majority, anywhere between 40-95%, being taken by the 'System' process, listed in task manager. Whats going on? What can I do about it? What exactly does this nebulous process do? Ive used several antivirus programs and found nothing, nor have I found spyware or adware. And I don't plan on switching to Apple or Linux, for those of you who might suggest it. Any ideas?

Unusual CPU usage by 'System', what to do?free anti virus

might just need to clean up ur cookies and adware u be surrpise what in there my advise is run cleanner get it for free and here more info and the download site

Help with limewire pro?

I have been using limewire pro now for about a year now and although i have picked up a few bugs it doesnt worry me any more as i bought no adware and it kills anything.the problem i am having is-i am in the process of copying my collection of movies to preserve my originals.and i thought i should maybe share them on limewire before i delete them from my pc,but i cant seem to get them c:dvd temp files to my lime wire shared files as when i go to my shared files in limewire and add c:temp dvd it keeps on telling me its not a file or something to that effect??any advise please.--oh bythe way -i found a very good site for those wanting info on file sharing

Help with limewire pro?free antivirus download

Well, the folder name C: dvd temp files" seams too long, If you try to remove spaces from it, like "C:\DVDTempFiles", I think it will work.

e-mail me if not

Why do i keep getting the same spyware?

I use two lots of anti spware/adware. All day they constantly find spyware. It gets blocked - thenlater again its there again!!

Is it because i have then picked them up again from new websites or is it able to reinstall itself on my pc?

Why do i keep getting the same spyware?free spyware remobal

Make sure you have up to date spy/add aware,

if not D/load these.

P.S. Go to your C drive windows prefetch, delete everything there but not layout.

When your have done all that, go to start click on run and type chkdsk /f There is an space between the k and /

when the command box opens type y and then press enter, and on rebooting your pc an scan will start, let that run.

Hope this helps.

Good Luck.

Why do i keep getting the same spyware?kawasaki

Many spyware/adware hook onto your computer with a separate install file that launches whenever you reboot your machine. Some spyware has 2-4 processes running at the same time so as soon as one is disabled one of the other processes recreate and launch the file you just deleted.

Your best chance of removal is to reboot your pc in safe mode (mash the F8 key after you power on your computer) and then run your spyware scanner/virus scan
Get the latest versions of 鈥渟pybot search and destroy鈥?and 鈥渁d-aware鈥?from (If you were my customer, I鈥檇 have you download them more quickly from one of my servers). Then install them. Then update to the latest versions of them. Then run the 鈥渋mmunize鈥?function from within 鈥渟pybot鈥? Then empty your trash can. Install and run 鈥渃rap cleaner鈥?from . Then run a full scan with the spybot and ad-aware programs. Update your virus-scanner to the latest version. If you do not have a virus scanner, get a free non-commercial version from 鈥?it does a decent job and doesn鈥檛 cost anything. Make sure and run a full scan with your virus-scanner too. When anything is found, fix/remove it and restart your computer. Following the above should greatly improve your internet speed, computer response time and data security.

For more information, please see the 鈥淐omputer Repair/Technical Support鈥?link on . Have a pen and paper ready because I鈥檒l give you all of the instructions that you need in less than 10 minutes to try and keep your costs down to under $10. I think that鈥檚 a pretty good deal to get all of that info for less than $10.

Help! I cann't get my computer to run like it did when it was new.?

I have Spybot Search %26 Destroy and Ad Aware SE Personal, which I use to scan for adware and spyware, I have CCleaner and Eusing Free Registry Cleaner, which I use to scan and clean my registry, I have the latest version of AVG Free, which I use for viruse detection, and lastly I have Kerio Personal Firewall running 24/7. I run these programs daily and remove any issues they find. When I first boot up my computer it works fine but, after about 30 min. it starts to slow down and the longer I stay on the slower it gets untill it freezes up. I added all of the above programs to try and fix the problem, and they do help. But, the only way I have found to avoid this is to reboot every 30 to 40 mins. There must be a better way. Please Help! Thank you.

Help! I cann't get my computer to run like it did when it was new.?free spyware

On my site below under Computer Talk is a page labelled Optimizing Your Systems Performance. I believe that if you follow the steps recommended it will help eliminate the problem. Hope this helps

Computer lag at the startup?

everything works great when Windows Vista start up everything load, but when I click on like the start button or anything my mouse turn into a circle which mean its loading but it never load. My computer then freeze up and my only option is to push the main button and go into safe mode which work perfectly fine.

I scan for virus like 3 times

scan for spyware and adware 2 times

I defregment the hard drive

I did disc clean up

I did msconfig and uncheck anything I dont need at start up.

I uninstall all my program that i dont need

I did a back up and restore my computer didnt work

I use the Tune Up Utilities 2007 and fix all the problems but doesnt seem to work.

dont have a firewall on.

My only option is right now is to reboot my whole computer all over.... any help?

p.s. nothing do with ram because i have alot.

Computer lag at the startup?hijack this


click start in blue bar


type in msconfig

choose start up

put a check beside the ones you want to run

uncheck programs you don"t want running

these steps below will help clean up your computer and make it faster

In Internet explorer at top of window select tools - then delete browser history

- then another box will open - select delete all- this will not remove your book marks

Computer lag at the start up please help!?

everything works great when Windows Vista start up everything load, but when I click on like Mozilla my mouse turn into a circle which mean its loading but it never load. My computer than freeze up and my only option is to push the main button and go into safe mode which work perfectly fine.

I scan for virus like 3 times

scan for spyware and adware 2 times

I defregment the hard drive

I did disc clean up

I did msconfig and uncheck anything I dont need at start up.

I uninstall all my program that i dont need

I did a back up and restore my computer didnt work

I use the Tune Up Utilities 2007 and fix all the problems but doesnt seem to work.

My only option is right now is to reboot my whole computer all over.... any help?

Computer lag at the start up please help!?hijackthis

Yet you haven't tried reinstalling Firefox?

How do I get the ability to play games at at normal speed again? Virtual memory low wa

I do not play many games, I am running Windows XP, Dell computer, use to run fine. I have used programs for adware, spyware, registry cleaner, virus, etc... I cannot get the virtual memory to run like it use to.

How do I get the ability to play games at at normal speed again? Virtual memory low warning.?house call

Well, there could be a ton of reasons why your virtual memory is low. But a commonly; you have too many programs running, your page file is too small, or you have too much stuff on your computer.

To check if you have too much stuff running, hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete and click on the "processes" tab. If Any of those processes are above 10-20 percent (Excluding System Idle Process) while you're not doing anything, it's probably taking up too much hardware memory. See if you can close that process without doing too much damage to your p.c.

If all your processes seem normal, open up Control Panel and open System, click on the "advanced" tab, and under the Performance heading, click Settings. The "performance options" window should pop up. Click on the "advanced" tab, and under the Virtual Memory heading click "change".

If you only have one hard drive then you'll only see "C:" Click the "Custom size" button and fill in; initial size = 1024, and maximum size = 1024. If that doesn't work or it doesn't help, you just have too much junk on your computer =/. Consider deleting some movies, pictures, or songs and trying again.