Friday, August 21, 2009

I am having trouble changing my explorer homepage.I have scanned for "page hijakers"but no

I have no spyware,adware ,malware or virus and all works fine.I cannot find anything that is blocking the changing of my home page.

I am having trouble changing my explorer homepage.I have scanned for "page hijakers"but none exist....winxpdownloads

Open an internet browser, and go to the website that you want to be your new homepage. Once there, click on Tools at the top of your browser. Under the scroll down list, select inernet options, and when that opens, where it gives your homepage options, click the button "Use Current". Then at the bottom of that pop up box, click apply, which will save your settings. After it saves your settings, click "OK" and then close your browser, and then re-open it.

That should be it.

I am having trouble changing my explorer homepage.I have scanned for "page hijakers"but none exist....winxphouse call

You might have something hiding in your system 32 folder. Thats where all the viruses end up. Just go to tools and folder options and uncheck the box to hide the folders and that will get you in there. BE VERY careful what you delete it may mess your computer up. If things keep getting worse or its a pain. SAVE all your files and reformat your computer. Its good for your computer.. make sure you have an xp disk before you do so if you plan on doing it.
You probably have a security program running that prevents your homepage being changed, have a look.

If your homepage is nothing unexpected or malicious, that's probably the answer.
go onto tools at the top and click internet options then u can change ur home page

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