Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My PC is SLOW. Dell/cable/wirelss (another PC in house is running great). I've run all diagnost

I've checked for Virus (Norton) and Adware. 20+ Gbs free out of 33.

My PC is SLOW. Dell/cable/wirelss (another PC in house is running great). I've run all diagnostics. HELP!free spyware

maybe u can try this *Spyware Terminator 1.5

it can catch what ad-aware miss out.

then u can try this ^Window Life Safety Center or # Ccleaner.

^Window Life Safety Center is still Beta. But is still good. If u dont trust Beta product, then try 2nd option # Ccleaner.

# Ccleaner (i give it a nicename-"MAID")-download it, check 4 update. dont have to set anything, as its oreadi pre-set. left hand side, CLEANER-then click "run cleaner". after its done, left hand side, click "issues"-click scan for issues then "fix seleted issues"

backup or not is ur choice. lastly, click "fix seleted issues"- DONE.

then go and do a disk cleanup and a defrag then re-start ur PC.

IF this still cant solve the problem, then maybe u need to do a re-formatting. or maybe the RAM(memory) become bad. if its so, then u hv to change the memory.

good luck. hope this help.

My PC is SLOW. Dell/cable/wirelss (another PC in house is running great). I've run all diagnostics. HELP!live update

Open up the task manager and tell us the processes that are running close to 100% cpu usage.

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