Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Okay, this is related to an earlier question: will Itunes on my computer at work invite viruses, pop

I asked earlier how to get into the administrator log-in on windows (I didn't know it would actually be illegal), and decided to just try to ask my supervisor if I can download Itunes during lunch or something, just to upload a cd to my ipod.

Is Itunes a program that won't open up your computer to the possibilities of viruses, spyware, adware, or any of that other stuff that slows down computers and renders them useless?

Okay, this is related to an earlier question: will Itunes on my computer at work invite viruses, popups, etc?free spyware remover

No, it will not. Intunes is certified software. It does access the internet to obtain album artwork and information, but it does not install any form of spyware on computers.

Okay, this is related to an earlier question: will Itunes on my computer at work invite viruses, popups, etc?ktm

The kid below me is right. Itunes is curtified software and it will never bring that sort of problem to your computer.
If you work on them ON LINE you are likely to get. Better to be on safeside. You may be having a virus or spyware installed on your PC. You insatll a standard antivirus soft ware such as Norton, AVG , Avast ( free antivirus software and Ad-aware, Ewido ( free spyware removers). You can download free softwares at and
it shouldn't, BUT make sure you get it from or the ipod disc and NOT somewhere like limewire. That is the only way to make sure you are getting the apple certified software.

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