Friday, August 21, 2009

Help, help, and HELPP!!?

ok well

i heard that imacs arent supposed to get viruses.. cuz ive had one for about 5 yrs now..

and i was just on myspace and out of the blue.. i got a popup saying..

has ur computer been going slow lately..

if it has.. it cood be infected with viruses, adware, and something else but i forgot..

please help im freaking out.. i dont want my computer to have a virus or nething!!

please helpp!!!!

Help, help, and HELPP!!?free anti virus

It's called an ad? And it probably looked like a Windows pop-up? Yeah. You use a Mac, you're not going to get a Windows Pop-up. It's fake, if you don't know that, get off the internet. You're a disgrace.

Help, help, and HELPP!!?internet security software

Ok dont panic, well first you need to get a program from Get this program: Antivir Guard type in search engine of the web. Use the Antivir Guard to scan your pc. I use it to get rid of viruses and it detects hidden ones too better than Norton and so on. Anyways hope this helps.

Your Bud Justin,

p.s. optional use ad aware se for cleaning out pop ups and spyware
Don't worry that happens too me if you are worried do a virus scan.

It's always safer too be protected with virus protection.

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