Sunday, August 23, 2009

Unusual CPU usage by 'System', what to do?

I was having problems with my svchost eating up 99% of my CPU (Windows XP, Dell Latitude D600), so I disabled Windows Automatic Update, and that solved the problem. But now occasionally my CPU usage will increase to 100%, a majority, anywhere between 40-95%, being taken by the 'System' process, listed in task manager. Whats going on? What can I do about it? What exactly does this nebulous process do? Ive used several antivirus programs and found nothing, nor have I found spyware or adware. And I don't plan on switching to Apple or Linux, for those of you who might suggest it. Any ideas?

Unusual CPU usage by 'System', what to do?free anti virus

might just need to clean up ur cookies and adware u be surrpise what in there my advise is run cleanner get it for free and here more info and the download site

Help with limewire pro?

I have been using limewire pro now for about a year now and although i have picked up a few bugs it doesnt worry me any more as i bought no adware and it kills anything.the problem i am having is-i am in the process of copying my collection of movies to preserve my originals.and i thought i should maybe share them on limewire before i delete them from my pc,but i cant seem to get them c:dvd temp files to my lime wire shared files as when i go to my shared files in limewire and add c:temp dvd it keeps on telling me its not a file or something to that effect??any advise please.--oh bythe way -i found a very good site for those wanting info on file sharing

Help with limewire pro?free antivirus download

Well, the folder name C: dvd temp files" seams too long, If you try to remove spaces from it, like "C:\DVDTempFiles", I think it will work.

e-mail me if not

Why do i keep getting the same spyware?

I use two lots of anti spware/adware. All day they constantly find spyware. It gets blocked - thenlater again its there again!!

Is it because i have then picked them up again from new websites or is it able to reinstall itself on my pc?

Why do i keep getting the same spyware?free spyware remobal

Make sure you have up to date spy/add aware,

if not D/load these.

P.S. Go to your C drive windows prefetch, delete everything there but not layout.

When your have done all that, go to start click on run and type chkdsk /f There is an space between the k and /

when the command box opens type y and then press enter, and on rebooting your pc an scan will start, let that run.

Hope this helps.

Good Luck.

Why do i keep getting the same spyware?kawasaki

Many spyware/adware hook onto your computer with a separate install file that launches whenever you reboot your machine. Some spyware has 2-4 processes running at the same time so as soon as one is disabled one of the other processes recreate and launch the file you just deleted.

Your best chance of removal is to reboot your pc in safe mode (mash the F8 key after you power on your computer) and then run your spyware scanner/virus scan
Get the latest versions of 鈥渟pybot search and destroy鈥?and 鈥渁d-aware鈥?from (If you were my customer, I鈥檇 have you download them more quickly from one of my servers). Then install them. Then update to the latest versions of them. Then run the 鈥渋mmunize鈥?function from within 鈥渟pybot鈥? Then empty your trash can. Install and run 鈥渃rap cleaner鈥?from . Then run a full scan with the spybot and ad-aware programs. Update your virus-scanner to the latest version. If you do not have a virus scanner, get a free non-commercial version from 鈥?it does a decent job and doesn鈥檛 cost anything. Make sure and run a full scan with your virus-scanner too. When anything is found, fix/remove it and restart your computer. Following the above should greatly improve your internet speed, computer response time and data security.

For more information, please see the 鈥淐omputer Repair/Technical Support鈥?link on . Have a pen and paper ready because I鈥檒l give you all of the instructions that you need in less than 10 minutes to try and keep your costs down to under $10. I think that鈥檚 a pretty good deal to get all of that info for less than $10.

Help! I cann't get my computer to run like it did when it was new.?

I have Spybot Search %26 Destroy and Ad Aware SE Personal, which I use to scan for adware and spyware, I have CCleaner and Eusing Free Registry Cleaner, which I use to scan and clean my registry, I have the latest version of AVG Free, which I use for viruse detection, and lastly I have Kerio Personal Firewall running 24/7. I run these programs daily and remove any issues they find. When I first boot up my computer it works fine but, after about 30 min. it starts to slow down and the longer I stay on the slower it gets untill it freezes up. I added all of the above programs to try and fix the problem, and they do help. But, the only way I have found to avoid this is to reboot every 30 to 40 mins. There must be a better way. Please Help! Thank you.

Help! I cann't get my computer to run like it did when it was new.?free spyware

On my site below under Computer Talk is a page labelled Optimizing Your Systems Performance. I believe that if you follow the steps recommended it will help eliminate the problem. Hope this helps

Computer lag at the startup?

everything works great when Windows Vista start up everything load, but when I click on like the start button or anything my mouse turn into a circle which mean its loading but it never load. My computer then freeze up and my only option is to push the main button and go into safe mode which work perfectly fine.

I scan for virus like 3 times

scan for spyware and adware 2 times

I defregment the hard drive

I did disc clean up

I did msconfig and uncheck anything I dont need at start up.

I uninstall all my program that i dont need

I did a back up and restore my computer didnt work

I use the Tune Up Utilities 2007 and fix all the problems but doesnt seem to work.

dont have a firewall on.

My only option is right now is to reboot my whole computer all over.... any help?

p.s. nothing do with ram because i have alot.

Computer lag at the startup?hijack this


click start in blue bar


type in msconfig

choose start up

put a check beside the ones you want to run

uncheck programs you don"t want running

these steps below will help clean up your computer and make it faster

In Internet explorer at top of window select tools - then delete browser history

- then another box will open - select delete all- this will not remove your book marks

Computer lag at the start up please help!?

everything works great when Windows Vista start up everything load, but when I click on like Mozilla my mouse turn into a circle which mean its loading but it never load. My computer than freeze up and my only option is to push the main button and go into safe mode which work perfectly fine.

I scan for virus like 3 times

scan for spyware and adware 2 times

I defregment the hard drive

I did disc clean up

I did msconfig and uncheck anything I dont need at start up.

I uninstall all my program that i dont need

I did a back up and restore my computer didnt work

I use the Tune Up Utilities 2007 and fix all the problems but doesnt seem to work.

My only option is right now is to reboot my whole computer all over.... any help?

Computer lag at the start up please help!?hijackthis

Yet you haven't tried reinstalling Firefox?

How do I get the ability to play games at at normal speed again? Virtual memory low wa

I do not play many games, I am running Windows XP, Dell computer, use to run fine. I have used programs for adware, spyware, registry cleaner, virus, etc... I cannot get the virtual memory to run like it use to.

How do I get the ability to play games at at normal speed again? Virtual memory low warning.?house call

Well, there could be a ton of reasons why your virtual memory is low. But a commonly; you have too many programs running, your page file is too small, or you have too much stuff on your computer.

To check if you have too much stuff running, hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete and click on the "processes" tab. If Any of those processes are above 10-20 percent (Excluding System Idle Process) while you're not doing anything, it's probably taking up too much hardware memory. See if you can close that process without doing too much damage to your p.c.

If all your processes seem normal, open up Control Panel and open System, click on the "advanced" tab, and under the Performance heading, click Settings. The "performance options" window should pop up. Click on the "advanced" tab, and under the Virtual Memory heading click "change".

If you only have one hard drive then you'll only see "C:" Click the "Custom size" button and fill in; initial size = 1024, and maximum size = 1024. If that doesn't work or it doesn't help, you just have too much junk on your computer =/. Consider deleting some movies, pictures, or songs and trying again.

Thank You for everybody for Your responses?

I did a recovery in the meantime, so back where I started sometime ago, but adware -or whatever it was- free. Thanks for all Your responses. Your truly

Thank You for everybody for Your responses?internet security 2006

Always a pleasure to help!

Thank You for everybody for Your responses?microsoft

It's nice of someone to take the trouble to say that. Much appreciated, I'm sure.
your welcome
thats ok, what was your question anyway?????

Internet Explorer troubles?

I had an adware toolbar install on me, and after all the broohaha to get it out of my computer, I think I accidently screwed up my browser. I use version 6. I have always had the option of squishing all the toolbars to the top and then spreading them back out, moving them, and it would lock and unlock to do this or not. NOW there is no unlock option at all when I right click, and it is locked in a configuration that doesn't have all the browser buttons I want, nor does it move, and there is a blank toolbar across the top that doesn't seem to have anything on it at all but it is fixed there. None of the toolbars will slide to see what is behind them. My Google toolbar is totally gone. The pull down menus are greyed out and no lock/unlock feature, all I can do is customize some of the buttons and that doesn't stick from use to use, from closing and then opening a new IE I click on the IE shortcut, I get the same old useless header for the IE window that I just fixed.

Internet Explorer troubles?internet security

Go to this website for Trouble shooting IE6

Internet Explorer troubles?network security

Use mozilla, mozilla firefox, or opera.

Internet explorer stinks.
If you are using XP pro...try rolling back to the origianl settings from Windows help %26 support-%26gt; system restore-%26gt; then just restore it.

If that doesn't work...use registry editors to kill the program what is causing the pain!
On my dad's mac he uses Safari and it works pretty well if you wanna switch to that.

How do I can I get my browser to accept addresses w/o typing in the http:// ?

It was working a couple days ago. It will not allow me to type in like, I have to type in Before this happened when i hit go or return it would just put the http in the adddress bar automatically. It is a major pain in the ****. Please if anyone can tell me how to fix this. I have reset settings run adware and virus scans. Im just lost on this one!!!??? Help!!!

How do I can I get my browser to accept addresses w/o typing in the http:// ?ktm

You are a lame ***.

How do I can I get my browser to accept addresses w/o typing in the http:// ?nortan

I have the same problem....started about 2 days ago also. If you get an answer of how to fix this please email me - this is a big pain!!!


Figured it out! Reload Office - do a repair installation - mine is back to normal again!!!!

What is the best way to reduce lag on an online game?

I have a playstation 2 and i use xlink kai evolution to play online, i have a linsys router and a computer with with no spyware or adware, my upload and download speeds of 256 Kbps.

What is the best way to reduce lag on an online game?live update

say YES or die Report It

I am a heavy firefox user (the browser) and rarely, except on VERY rare occassions that I must use I

Now, no one else uses my computer (I take it with me in my locked case where ever I go.) Now why is is it that now my IE has a bunch of adware/spyware in the form of these mysterious toolbars. How could I have ever downloaded that? I don't even fall for all the garbage that those hackers try to sell you. Free emoticons... yeah, at who's final price? Mine. Anyone willing to step up to the plate :)?

I am a heavy firefox user (the browser) and rarely, except on VERY rare occassions that I must use IE I will.?liveupdate

They probably tagged along with a legitimate piece of software you installed. Though, legitimate is stretching that word if they allow something to be installed which probably went out and got more junk to install.

Repair or Restore my Dell Laptop? Info.?

I have a Dell laptop that I got in December. It seems that there is always something happening. I don't have a lot of programs I have added and I have burned all the pics and doc folders I need.

Is there a big difference between using the system restore disc to repair or restore? Has anyone out there done a restore and it fixed internet problems? When I use Mozilla it works fine but int IE. I have to use IE for a college class,no choice but always problems and freezing every time I use it. I have tried removing %26 reinstalling, many types of spyware/virus/adware programs.. nothing helps. Could there just be a corrupt file? I also can not download/upload anything now. The problem started from beginning which is why I removed IE.

Repair or Restore my Dell Laptop? Info.?matchless

Back up all your data, and do a full reformat and a clean reinstall of Windows.

You probably have hosed your Internet Explorer from the removal of all that malware that you have had.

If you are using Limewire or another file-stealing program, discontinue use and you will have far fewer problems looking forward.

Many downloads using P2P file-sharing programs are loaded with malware. You will be downloading "stuff" from unknown stranger's computers while they will be uploading from your computer at the same time. You do not download from any website

Repair or Restore my Dell Laptop? Info.?norton 2008

The restore discs are fairly simple, pop it in your drive, restart your laptop %26 away it goes! Make sure you've got a backup of all your files, because it will re-install windows effectively, taking it back to how it was when you bought it.

Up to you whether you fancy restoring or taking some other steps first. (Do you know anyone who might take a look at it for you first?) A Techie perhaps?
I would suggest a 'Repair Install' to replace any parts thats damaged or missing....
Dell is know for falling apart get a emachines they last a lot longer.

Why is my laptop taking so long to boot up?

2 days ago, my laptop started staying on the black WindowsXP screen for a good 2 or 3 minutes when booting up.

This happened almost overnight.

I have performed Virus Scans, Adware and Spybot scans, but this hasn't identified anything (apart from the usual tracking cookies).

Does anyone know why this might be? and any solution?



Why is my laptop taking so long to boot up?mcaffee

I've received complaint about this issue before. Spybot can be the reason. Lots of people encounter problems with this program.

Go to start and choose RUN and type msconfig and disable some of the unnecessary programs that start up when Windows is starting up.

Why is my laptop taking so long to boot up?norton antivirus 2007

right click my computer go properties then hardware tab. then click on device manager

is there any exclamation marks next to any of the hardware?

i say this because your drivers load at this black windows xp screen and if theres a problem with a driver it will slow this loading down
You probably have a bunch of programs starting when you computer boots up. to turn them off go to start, then run, then type msconfig, hit enter, then click on the start up tab and it will show you all the programs that start up. Only deselect items you know like itunes and such. these programs do not need to start up with your computer to be ran later when you actually need them.

Spysheriff Virus trouble~?

Everytime i get online, i see the nod 32 showing an alert telling me there is an Spysheriff and an isass.exe in my pc, but no matter what antivirus i use, that virus insist in staying in my pc.

I have used spyware doctor, ad-aware se, No adware, spybot destroy, but nothing works against this virus.

What do i do to get rid of this pest?

Spysheriff Virus trouble~?microsoft office

webroot spy sweeper,avast antivirus. if you can use these 2 programs.they work very well in getting rid of almost anything that can infect your PC.spyware or virus.

Spysheriff Virus trouble~?norton antivirus

Norton, AVG, Avast are free antivirus software.

You can download free softwares at
Ever tried CCleaner? (Stands for crap cleaner) It's free, works great and I use it every day before logging off. You won't believe how fast it is. Sounds like a registry problem. If CCleaner doesn't work, Microsoft has a registry restoration program (not free). Microsoft also has a program (free) called Windows Defender. Good program. Microsoft also has a program which will scan your computer/registry (free) and let you know of problems. Personally, I think Norton Antivirus 2006 is THE best at stopping this type of situation before it attaches. Expensive, but worth the least to me. My machine stays clean and fast with Norton, CCleaner and Windows Defender. I'm presuming you've already done a search and can't locate the exe program associated with your problem. Good luck and I hope this has been of some help.
uae superantispyware or avg antispyware both do a good job on spysherriff
If you can get into Safe mode, pressing the F8 key before the windows screen appears. You can then run your antivirus and spyware programs to remove it.

Patches for..?

rollercoaster tycoon 3, any safe website to download the patches for that game? Besides Atari, any other website that has virus,adware,spyware free downloads

Patches for..?microsoft


Computer Help!!!!?

Can anyone please tell me if there is a free and effective way to get spyware, adware, etc off my computer. I need your help its bad!!!!!

Computer Help!!!!?moto guzzi

you decide what is best for you

-Free registry cleaners or trials -

free virus programs etc


Computer Help!!!!?norton internet security 2008

Hello, I use a free program that was listed as one of the tops in Popular Science magnazine. It has worked fine for a year now. Called "Adaware". the free version. You can download it from "cnet" probably. It was tested to work as well as many programs for sale. Also free is "Ccleaner" a program that rids your computer of tons of junk from using the internet. Both very easy to use.

How to remove mainsearch and isearch?

My antivirus detects Adware.MainSearch and Spyware.ISearch on my PC but was unable to remove it. Can someone tell me where to find resources in removing it? Thanks

How to remove mainsearch and isearch?network security

thats because it's adware and spyware. you can't remove it with antivirus most of the time. you need to have antispyware along with antivirus. most antispyware programs are free. I like to use ad-aware you can download it from

microsoft provides spyware protection for windows user with their program windows defender. As long as you have a valid copy of windows, microsoft will let you download it for free, you can download it from

run a scan with either of them. it will clean your hard drive of all spyware and adware, even the ones your antivirus didn't notice.

How to remove mainsearch and isearch?norton internet security

Here are links to separate removal procedure for your concern. Hope this helps.


These annoyances can be removed by using NOAdware. This the best spyware and adware killer out there. I build computers on the side and this is all I use to remove all the newest spyware and adware. I have the software on my website which is It is well worth the price of $37.00. Check it out it will remove these annoyances and more that may not know you even have. NOAdware will also speed up your computer.
Check this site:

Need help finding an antivirus download that is free of charge and does not require a credit card?

i tried mozilla foxfire and nortons wont run or install rather. i also tried CA through microsoft and it also wont download i tried doing a clean boot and nothing it wont clean or reinstall windows. can somebody suggest something i can do because i keep getting pop up windows saying that my computer is infected with viruses and trojan and spyware and adware and it drives me crazy always having to click on a window just to shut it down and continue what i was originally doing

Need help finding an antivirus download that is free of charge and does not require a credit card?network

Here are three programs that are FREE and will help you get rid of your problems.

AVG Antivirus

AdAware Pro Se

Spybot Search %26 Destroy

Go to and do a search on each one of those programs and download and install them. Then run each one and let the programs delete anything they find.

Hope this helps.

Need help finding an antivirus download that is free of charge and does not require a credit card?norton

It seems that your pc needs cleaning. Consider doing a format and reinstallation.
try these few...

look for "superantispyware" in Google, and download that. It's pretty good at getting rid of a lot of viruses and spyware/adware. If that doesn't fully clean things out like Drano, then download AVG (formerly Ewido) anti-virus. Do a Google search for that, too. It used to be called Ewido, but the company bought out by AVG, another anti-virus software maker. Also try A2Squared anti-virus software. There are several. Do another Google search for "a2 squared."

Best of luck!
try and download AVG antivirus free edition
Try AVG or Avast. They both have good ratings and are free for the home computer/ private individual. I personally run AVG and have had no problems. Try to find out how software reviewers have rated them.

Why do all websites say I need the latest version of Flash even though I already installed it?

I have gone through all kinds of troubleshooters on this, I have done everything it has told me to do with activex controls, etc, websites with embedded Flash always tell me to download Flash to view this section, I have never had this problem before, just started this week. No viruses, no adware that I know of. Temp internet files are clean. Thanks in advance.

Why do all websites say I need the latest version of Flash even though I already installed it?virus removal

You either have the wrong version or you need to re-install it. That's all I can say.

Messanger Service keeps poping up on my computer.?

Message from system to alert on 6/20/2007 1:31:56am

Your system registry is corrupted and need to be cleaned immediately.

Compromised registry files can lead to the following

1. complete access of your PC by hackers.

2. slow speeds resulting in slow downloads of internet files.

3 the compromise of personal information stored on your computer.

4. complete system failure resulting in the need for a complete reinstall of your hard drive.

To fix the problem:

1. open internet explorer

2. in the url field type-

3. note that all versions of windows are supported.

4. once you load the program, close this window.

Please note that once you visit and install the cleaner program you will not receive any more reminders or pop-ups like this one.

Anyways it wont close down. I know its a version on malware adware and spyware. How do i get it off. I went to the control pannel like someone else was advised but i cannot find what i need.

Messanger Service keeps poping up on my computer.?virus scan

To shut off messenger service..

Go to control panel %26gt; Administrative toools %26gt; Services %26gt; scroll down to messenger right click to show properties..

Disable %26gt; then press apply ...

Messenger service comes with computer

Messanger Service keeps poping up on my computer.?anti virus scan

A virus?, desktop item?

A desktop icon such as Serial Players and Crazy Girls (icon is blue and white and has a lower case e in the desktop icon picture)appear, can it be traced, it is not detected by AOL virus scanner, what visited website or installed program or file did it come from?

What file name would it be(name)?

How can you get rid of the problem(a desktop icon appearing)?

Malware, adware, etc.?

Is there another way to resolve the problem besides virus scans?

A virus?, desktop item?virus scanner

Do a right click on the icon, form the menu that comes up select properties. This will show you where the root of the program is. Click on find target, and you can delete it. You can also delete it at the"add / remove programs" spot in the control panel, and finding the properties will let you see the full and correct program name.

A virus?, desktop item?anti virus software

For all computer related problems please check out

It not only gives complete solutions but also offers

free downloads of effective softwares which can detect

and eliminate all spy ware /virus /ad ware /Trojans completely.
Hi. It's a simple problem I had 10 years ago. If U'r a patiently person just verify (knowing the data) with "SEARCH" created, modified... all files in U'r PC. Pay attention on copies that viruses may make. ATTENTION%26PATIENCE. Luck. P.S. I have NIS. Is my brother in my work on PC. I can send it to U just to solve U'r problem. If U don't want, no bother. Luck!

How can I improve the speed and running of my pc?

I am incredibly un-technical. I defragment and disc clean up on a regular basis plus I scan for adware and viruses although I have Norton. Is there anything that I can do to speed things up a bit.

Please dont get too technical cos I wont understand it.

Its either muddle through on my own or pay someone to do it and I know it can be very expensive.

How can I improve the speed and running of my pc?virus


Start up Files:

Every thing that appears in your systray (by the clock) when you start up is eating resources. Many programs will start when the PC starts by default. If it is not something you use the whole time you are on your PC from start to finish, get rid of the start up loaders. Things like Yahoo, AIM and such can be stopped in the respective program's preferences/options. Uncheck boxes that say Start "program name here" when Windows starts.

Other applications that may not offer this option can still be eliminated. Open "Run" on the start menu. Type in msconfig and click OK. Click on the start up tab. As you are not tech savvy, you will need to identify each file to deem if it is a necessary. Open your browser to Google. Enter the file names one at a time into Google. The first or second listing will identify the process for you. If the process is not for Windows, Norton, Internet/Network or any of your Hardware, un check the the box. Apply and reboot. On reboot you will get a dialog allowing you to choose to not run msconfig on start up. choose this option. You may have noticed your PC booted faster.

Annoying pop-ups?

Our computer used to have occasional pop-ups %26 we dealt with it. In the last week, at times, they're constant. We may have 20 in a couple of seconds. Slows the computer down horrendously %26 it's driving us nuts. Can't seem to figure out why all of sudden NOW?!! I had downloaded Spybot (supposed to get rid of spyware/adware) in the past, updated that %26 they still won't stop. Any advice on how to stop them?

Annoying pop-ups?viruses

most virus are spread through IE. IE is not a safe browser.

you should use a more secure browser to protect your PC from virus. i recommand you to use firefox with Google toolbar.

firefox can block any any popup and disable any virus and adware, spyware on webpage, so, firefox is much safer than IE browser.

as you know, most of virus spread throught internet and webpage.

besides, firefox is much smaller than IE, so it run faster than IE. download firefox for free, Just have a try:

Good Luck !

Annoying pop-ups?antispam

If you have Internet Explorer 7, turn on pop-up blocker and run through a 'tools' 'delete browsing history'. That should clean a lot of your problems up. If you don't have/use IE7, consider loading it up.
I think you have spy-ware ...try to get Ad-aware removal personal from .. it's the best and it's free
What you have is a Malware program known as Adware. The popups produced by adware cannot be blocked by popup blockers in toolbars or independent programs.

2 Questions?

Ok as I stated in previous questions, I had a trojan, I went in Safe Mode, and used All it could dig up was minor adware by Morpheus. Which I doubt was making my computer freeze all the time. So, my first question is, since my Dell came with Norton Ghost, should I go back to a time everything worked, or use it's other feature, which takes you back all the way to the day you started?

Second question

Which is better, AVG or Avast!

2 Questions?vista

The best Trojan removing program is ewido. I recommend you use both these programs and the procedure. After the removal procedure is additional infor about Antivirus programs.

Download and Update Ewido (now called the AVG Antispyware). Do not run:

Download AdAware SE and update. Do the setup. Do not run:

AdAware SE Setup:

1. Select "use custom scanning options" then select "customize". Make sure the following options are enabled: "scan within archives," "scan active processes," "scan registry," "deep scan registry," "scan my IE favorites for banned URLs," "scan my Hosts file."

2. Select the "tweak" option. Under "scanning engine," make sure "unload recognized processes and modules during scan" is enabled. Enable "scan registry for all users instead of current users."

How do I get of Spyware and Trojans ?

I think i may have a spyware trojan or adware on my computer how do i get rid of these i keep getting these annoying pop ups and i have this toolbar thats installed on my computer that i cant get rid of and also when i click on my internet explorer it sends me to this wierd page instead of my yahoo one how do i fix all of this stuff

How do I get of Spyware and Trojans ?windows

CCleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history.

avast! 4 Home Edition is a full-featured antivirus package designed exclusively for home users

Ad-Aware 2007 Free is available for personal home use.

Good luck

How do I get of Spyware and Trojans ?antivirus download

run a full service scan

its free from microsoft
The best way to get rid of trojans锛宻pywares,adwares,and pop up is using a best anti-spyware to protect your computer.Anti-Virus is not good at removing spywares,adwares,trojans.You must have 1 or 2 antispyware on your computer to protect your computer.Of course there are many solutions exist, all of them with their own strengths and weaknesses.So which anti-spyware is the most suited for your system? You can find out by reading in-depth reviews and comparisons of TOP 5 anti-spywares... some really great tips and links to Spyware removal programs.

Why is my internet slow?

It used to be fast but now it is quite slow. I have tried deleting programmes and have been running things like adware and spyware. Any ideas?

Why is my internet slow?

Performing disc cleanup is an excellent method of system performance.

Every two weeks I run disc clean up. Then I run AdAware and Spyboy: Search and Destory to kill off any spyware or adware that may have infected my computer which I see you have done.

You may want to try running a program called Super Anti Spyware. Unlike AdAware and Spyboy which only run when you tell them to Super Anti Spyware is always running protecting you from potential threats. Having 3 programs of overlap should help to eliminate spyware as the reason.

Finally, once everything has been scanned I use disc defragmenter even if it tells me that my computer doesn't need it. These steps keep my computer running like the day I bought it.

If these steps still don't help you might want to delete some extra programs that you no longer use, make sure the programs running in the lower right you are actually using. If you aren't using them you should right click the icon and exit them to free up some memory.

My last suggestion would be to possible purchase some more memory for your computer from or eBay. More memory will help your computer run a little faster.

Hope this helps,


Why is my internet slow?antivirus downloads

Any good downloading programs for firefox?

What is a good downloading program with resume download option for firefox. That also has no Spyware Adware or viruses? This is for my firefox browser.

Any good downloading programs for firefox?abtuvurys 2005

I can't imagine why you would need anything more than the Built-in Download Manager in Firefox.

I used FireTune to optimize it and it is very fast, so "Resume" really isn't necessary.

Any good downloading programs for firefox?antivirus programs

So your real problem is your router.

Post a router question with specifics, and we can try to help. Report It

Heres a question about yahoo pool?

when i log into a yahoo pool room, i open the table in "small windows", within moments i get a IE error message and the program shuts down, i have had my pc professionally cleaned, and i run an assortment of adware/spyware programs each week as far as i know there is nothing in that genre causeing the problem.......maybe its a java problem , i just dont know.....can anyone help?....even if you dont know the answer, even a few suggestions would be nice.......thanks...

Heres a question about yahoo pool?adware remover

You may need to download and install JavaScripts. Another reason for applet not loading could be your pop-up blocker blocking the applet. Make sure the pop-up blocker(s) is turned off (you will find it in the tools menu on MS Internet Explorer, or on the Yahoo or google toolbars if they are installed).

I need help cleaning my computer?

My computer doesnt open exe. files and I know they are supposed to open on their own. I don't know how to fix this. i am thinking that my computer ha a virus, but I've downloaded Adware and Spybot and it wont open or run the programs. It just says , "There is no default application for opening this file" and it should open by itsef, so.....

I need help cleaning my computer?adware

let me get this straight, you got a MAC right? MACs don't run .exe files... they dont support them... MACs run .app files...

you need to download the installers that are meant to run on a MAC...

plus i haven't heard of a MAC getting a virus or having spyware.. that's the reason why you cant find Adaware or Spybot for MAC

I need help cleaning my computer?antivirus scan

Macs cannot have viruses.
cute, mac virus,

try ClamXav ,Zebra , or other,

for cookies ,

for expanding files, try StuffIt Expander or others,

Actually exe files shouldn't open on there own unless you click on them or they are on a CD. Try re-downloading them.
depending on the program, usually download and save then reinstall it. if that doesnt work you might need a virus scanner.

Ad-aware and spybot is only for spyware

heres a couple of free virus protector scanners that involve no installations

Windows OneCare Live:



If all fails, your computer might be corrupted and need hardware fixing
choose which program to open the exe file

OR if you have real player remove it when you get the exe file put back real player
you need an antivirus program

go to

for a free one.

How to stop Pop-ups??

Whats the best way to stop pop-ups on your computer? I have pop-up blocker on and adware,spyware and firewall, but Im still getting annoying pop-ups? Can anyone out there help at all?

How to stop Pop-ups??agv

Hi there,

Unfortunately this is a problem I'm hearing on a daily basis now.

The number of people who have AVG, adaware and Spybot installed but then get confused as to why they have been infected is increasing by the day. In all seriousness, these programs (especially spybot and adaware) are no longer good enough to be your only protection against viruses, spyware and adware (as well as trojans, rootkits and other nasties). They used to be great programs a couple of years ago, but have now been overtaken by programs with next-generation approaches.

One program I would strongly recommend you try instead is Prevx1. This has recently been proven as having the strongest protection and cleanup capabilities of ALL security solutions available today so should hopefully fix the problems your current protection has failed to.

Download the Free Trial of Prevx1 which will scan your PC and remove this and any other infections free of charge:

How to stop Pop-ups??antivirus software

i had same problem . i downloaded super antispyware (its free) n it did the trick !! chek ur system fr adware n spyware !
Get a good pop-up blocker, they are worth it, try going to best buy or staples they have the best ones. If you want to try something out first go to and search pop-ups and choose one such as panda. Although the problem might be in your pop-up blocker it might be disabled or you probably allowed websites that have a bunch of pop-ups and now are finding their way into your screen. Switch to firefox, it blocks out alot of those problems and will help a little
Here's a easy guide to stop pop ups, has free tools too
internet explorer 7 %26 firefox have pop up blockers


are there any other good internet video sites like or yahoo video and google video

(other alternative websites basically)

please only list sites that dont give you virusus, popups, adware,spyware and any of that crap


You ask that replies "please only list sites that don't give you viruses, popups, adware,spyware and any of that crap" and indeed you have the significant sites identified already. But, the "viruses, popups, adware, spyware and ..." portion of your question has not yet been addressed.

Those things you list are OPERATING SYSTEM vulnerabilities, and have nothing to do with the activity you are interested in. It still amazes me that so few realize that it is Microsoft Windows, not the items of your concern, that is the problem. You chose Windows - or is it that the Monopoly operating system simply "came on" your computer, so you assume it is your only choice?

You suffer from the failings and faults of the Microsoft Windows operating system. But there is an answer other than the 10,000 addons that Just Do Not Really Work. Change your operating system. Now. Tonight.

The Apple operating system most likely isn't an option for you on your existing CPU and hardware - it's designed and licensed not to be - but Linux is and will accomplish what you need without the security problems that haunt all Windows users.

Can yahoo tell me what site I clicked on ?

On Jan 19th on or about 3:57pm EST I clicked onto a site that turn out to be a porn site.(Nothing to do with what I was researching.) The next thing I know my computer went weird because a spybot worm came through the back door and put a spybot software program on my computer.I found that I could not do anything but a scan and then buy the key to put my computer back to normal.(No I did not buy the Key.) Funny thing is I use 4 adware/spyware programs and 2 virus programs to protect my system.The real funny part is my system says I am clean now and there system said I have 28 problems still. Yea I did lose alot of work and it took me all day to fix the problem, so I would love to know who did this. I have tried to findout where I was but my system deletes all tails when I log off. So it would be great if yahoo could help me track down where I was the other day.. I have 6 zip files of what was put on my computer for evidence..

Can yahoo tell me what site I clicked on ?anti virus scan

Yahoo can't tell you that. My best advise is to disconnect your internet connection and do a System Restore to a date just prior to January 19th.

Can yahoo tell me what site I clicked on ?ariel

I don't think Yahoo will send you the record even if they have it. But it won't harm for you to ask, who knows? Write to Yahoo help central, not Yahoo! Answers.

What's the best peer to peer aplication?

lime wire is trash, limewire pro cost money, and many others contain adware, spyware, not specific enough searches, long down load time for items, mediocre files with wrong names, garbage content what's the deal.? I need a free one two and I mean free software download of it!

What's the best peer to peer aplication?anti virus software

Speak English and you might get a few answers

What's the best peer to peer aplication?aurora

Use torrents. Download them from or

Use a p2p application like BitTorrent, Azureus, utorrent.

Limewire Pro has been hacked. You can download it for free.Look for it on
i like ares it used to be free , im not sure if it still is .
I would use a bit torrent program like BitComet. Then you go to different torrent sites and find what you want.

My computer hangs at startup every week or two later.?

After,repeat,AFTER the windows logo,when the desktop appears and just as the music starts,my computer hangs(am using xp).It happens once in two or three weeks.Then no matter how many times I turn off and on,it just keeps happening.Only if I leave it off for a day,then it becomes ok again.

PS. I have already tried the following and they haven't worked,so please don't repeat these answers.....(1)I don't have extra stuff in my computer.(2)I have formatted my drive and installed a fresh windows(xp) (3)I regularly run anti virus,anti spyware and adware removers.(4)I don't have programs running at startup....I have disabled them from msconfig.(5)Every month or three weeks,I defragment my drives.(6)It is NOT a case of the processor over heating....I have air conditioning in my room.

Thanks for reading...and many more thanks if u answer!

My computer hangs at startup every week or two later.?anti virus

Do you have a virus soft running ever so often? Mine runs twice a week when I first signon. You can't see it unless it finds a virus. Usually take a few minutes then my computer is ready for me to run jobs.

My computer hangs at startup every week or two later.?auto protect

If your computer hangs or reboots while you are working on it , it could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This problem can be solved by uninstalling new softwares, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes. Detailed instructions at
You've done everything I can think of. If you run the spyware and antivirus programs, they might be contributing to the problem. Do you have enough memory to support all of today's programs? Is your computer an HP? They are known for having problems. Good luck. If your computer is new and still under warranty, call tech support and see what they recommend.
your hardware may be faulty, your hard disk.
I'm with the guy that answered first, looks a hardware problem, after the pc cools down it works again. Eventhough you have air conditioning.... check all the computer fans, specially the one over the microprocesor. If your motherboard has a fan over any chipset, check that too.
Have you installed any new programs? They can sometimes cause computer glitches. Also, you may have disabled a vital component in msconfig. Go back in and set everything to normal and see if that helps.

Yahoo/Google Search Site Infection?

Yahoo and now Google websites are both acting wierd lately for me.

Specifically, lets say I search for a dog breed. I type in "Boxer Dog" to distiguish from the sport of boxing. The Site then thinks about it for a moment and brings up the first ten or twenty hits of many I could select from with additional pages of hits to select from at the bottom.

That is all normal. But THEN --

I click on a link I think I want, say to the american kennel club.(so that we know it infact exists...) It doesn't take me to the website address that was listed in the information from the search. So I back up to the search and try to pick it again. Again it sends me to some other randem site.(maybe not the same as the first.) Only on the third attempt does it connect me with the correct site.

Virus/adware scans with Mcafee have turned up nothing.

Are yahoo and google infected? Is anyone else having this scenario?

Yahoo/Google Search Site Infection?antispam

It's either a virus or spyware on your computer thats not being detected. I think you should run Spybot and see if it picks anything up.

Yahoo/Google Search Site Infection?avast

try using mcafee siteadvisor plugin for internet explorer

"Affiliate Target"; Horrible Computer Virus?

I had this horrible adware virus install itself on my computer. I got it off with the Spyware Doctor program, but I was just curious if anyone else had ever heard of it.

It was called Affiliate Target; every 30 seconds or so, I would get a popup that would be followed by redirecting me to an advertisement site. I couldn't avoid being redirected because it would temporarily disable my back button. It constantly froze up my computer as well.

Does anyone know anything about this, especially where it comes from? I'm not sure how I originally got it on my computer, and I really don't want to get it again.

"Affiliate Target"; Horrible Computer Virus?antispyware


The fact that Spyware Doctor got rid of it means that yes, others have had this bit of adware.

You can learn alot about this this type of problem at

affiliatetarget can come with toolbars (esp hotbar) and with items like wild tangent.

I would go throught the steps with castelcops to the point that someone will look at a HiJackThis log for you and they will assist you in getting rid of EVERYTHING.

"Affiliate Target"; Horrible Computer Virus?best antivirus software

I can give a few links that offer free virus and spyware removers...!You may be having a virus or spyware installed on your PC. Norton, AVG , Avast are free antivirus software. Ad-aware, Ewido are free spyware removers. You can download free softwares at and
This site here has some good tips and info on how to avoid crap

like this.

Window xp old version error: User interface failure. The login user interface DLL MSGINA.dll failed

I used a Spy Sweeper to clear out adware/spyware on my older

Dell Dimension 4100. Coincidently, it seems to have created a problem

of user interface failure at start up. I am getting this message: "The

login user interface DLL msgina.dll failed to load Contact your

system administrator to repiar DLL.OR restore the original DLL"

I am able to get into the BIOS. I don't have the original Dells restore disk. I do have Windows Professional xp

software to restore. What steps can I take to access this computer.

Thanks on any help you can give me,


Window xp old version error: User interface failure. The login user interface DLL MSGINA.dll failed to load Cantivirus download

Check out the following links:

good luck!

My computer is running really slow and I have DSL.. any suggestions?

I already defraged and ran a virus check and an adware/spyware and its still running really slow... like dial up. Please help :) Thanks.

My computer is running really slow and I have DSL.. any suggestions?antivirus downloads

Run a speed test on you internet connection and see if it is that. If it is the connection try unplugging the power to your DSL modem for a few seconds and then plug it back in. This will reset the connection and sometimes helps.

Good speed test can be found at

My computer is running really slow and I have DSL.. any suggestions?cafe racer

No Virus? Defragged Disk? DSL? hmm.. why lagging :)

Do you hear lots of (disk)noise from your computer?

If you do, your computer is spending most of time swapping memory to disk. This is typical when you don't have much memory but thinking that all the anti-virus and adware can help. Any program that loads with windows eats up memory even anti-virus software.

Go to Windows Task Manager %26gt; performance tab %26gt; see the PF Usage and Physical Memory Total. If PF Usage is two times bigger than Physical Memory Total.. hmmm you many have some issues.

Tried to uninstall unnecessary softwares and reduce number of icons bottom right hand corner of your screen(Don't collect them) :)

I know that a virus is running my computer. How can I make it so that I can use the CTRL+ALT+DEL men

I had the BraveSentry virus, and a lot of adware and spyware. I was able to get most of the stuff off, but I can't access the background control (like changing the wallpaper) or the ctrl alt del menu (the program manager)

I know that a virus is running my computer. How can I make it so that I can use the CTRL+ALT+DEL menu?antivirus programs

Hi there,

There are a number of new malicious attacks that disable people's ability to open their task manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del).

The best and easiest way to remove this infection is by installing the Free Trial of Prevx1. This will scan your PC and remove this and any other infections free of charge.

I know that a virus is running my computer. How can I make it so that I can use the CTRL+ALT+DEL menu?computer protection

You need to run SpySweeper or Spybot - Search %26 Destory or AdAware.

When a computer starts to act "funny" run slow or have odd pop up, means you got a security problem. You can dl those last two programs from for free. I'd run them atleast bi-weekly. Spysweeper is great, it gets rid of a lot of things that aren't usually found, key logging programs and trojans and such which not all protection programs detect.

Good luck, hope you get rid of it. Otherwise you will have to reformat your hd to clean it out.
i agree with breann

Trouble with my internet connection....plz help urgently...?

hi friends.... well....i m havin serious trouble in connecting to the www ... though the dial up is workin fine...

I had jus intsalled Ad aware SE Personal (a free anti-adware) and had run it.While i was doin that,i removed the infected files...and aftr that i restarted my pc...and since then i m unable to work on my browser/msngr ..or any such net-related program.... even after runnin the dialer n connectin the internet...i m being showed the message "Working Offline" , "cannot find the server" etc....

i have also tried restoring the system to an earlier date....but even this has not helped....

Trouble with my internet connection....plz help urgently...?antivirus protection

Open your internet explorer,

- select Tools Menu - Internet Options

- Select connection tab

- Click 'Lan Setting'

- uncheck 'Automatically Detect Setting'

Hope this usefull

Trouble with my internet connection....plz help urgently...?computer repair

restore the system as in reprogram or reformat?? That's has a lot of difference there..well I'll give you some advice for your sake..hmm..first, maybe the windows XP installation cd that you're using is not genuine and it may cause problems to you computer..try buying and original windows XP cd...

secondly,maybe your computer is still infected by viruses

try and search for anti viruses.

next,you may wanna download mozilla firefox to replace your busted browser...I'm just sayin'...

and If all that I listed doesn't work, I'm going to retire as a computer doctor..good luck
What version of Windows? Probabaly XP?

You need to run the Winsock fix. A lot of times the Winsock entries in the registry will get corrupted after removing Spyware and Adware.


When i open my e mail it says undeliverd mail that i did not send?

i get lots of undeliverd mail not sent messages

these messages our sent even when my pc is off i have changed my passwords and never hold them in memory i run up to date avg anti virus and run anti spy adware daily if not weekly

these messages are not being sent by me?

When i open my e mail it says undeliverd mail that i did not send?antivirus scan

Someone is faking your email address on spam they're mailing out. This is a common practice. They're hoping that by using a real email address, other people will read the mail instead of just throwing it away.

Write your congressman. Ask them to make this practice illegal. Ask them to shut down any ISPs that pass illegal web traffic.

Whats with software cleaner?

doesn't my disc cleaner? and or adware cleaner do the same thing

Whats with software cleaner?antivirus software

Download, install, update and run SpyCatcher Express - free spyware removal software =

Spybot-S%26D = = = Be sure to use the immunize feature, and as with everything else, keep it updated.

and Ad-aware = +

shut down your pc and then restart it in SAFE MODE if possible =

and then run the scan(s) and follow directions for healing any/all infections found, then Disable system restore = , then shut down your pc, and then restart your pc, and then re-enable system restore.

ewido security suite = = = " free 14-day test version."


+ Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Follow the links)=

SpywareBlaster/SpywareGuard - Freeware =


AnalogX Script Defender =


To make sure you are not getting a spoofed webpage, Right-click desktop/properties/display properties/appeareance/color scheme/olive green/apply/ok/ok

+ =

How can you determine if your internet activity is being monitored by someone?

Internet spying

Internet usage tracking

I don't mean spyware or adware either.

How can you determine if your internet activity is being monitored by someone?antivirus

they are, and you cant tell so stop looking at those sites

How can you determine if your internet activity is being monitored by someone?computer


Look at current processes running, if you see scvhost.exe its likely being monitored! You have to run a cleaner to remove it.

As mentioned above, on a work system the network admin has control for adding %26 removing programs. scvhost runs on all our systems to keylog and we cannot delete it.
if you are on a are being monitored, or it could be monitored, they just choose not to. if you are not on a network, then hit ctrl-alt-del and look at the processes. if anything looks fishy, look it up on google to see what it is. also look on the back of the computer where the keyboard plugs in. see if there is a little device between the keyboard plug and the computer. if there is, then your keystrokes are being logged.
If you are at work then your systems admin has access to all things incoming and out going called a proxy server.This isn't on your computer so you can't stop it.

Is there a significant difference from 512MB to 1GB in RAM?

I have a HP zv6000 and I was wondering if there is a notable difference from going to 512MB to 1GB. My computer loads up slow, slow to load programs, and some of my games lag at intense intervals (no it's not a spyware/adware/virus problem). If there isn't a notable difference, then I'll probably invest into a gaming laptop.

Is there a significant difference from 512MB to 1GB in RAM?ariel

it will not hurt........ also uninstalling all the pre loaded crap will help hp as tons.....

Is there a significant difference from 512MB to 1GB in RAM?computers

You can also consider having a graphics card with more video RAM in it if you go for a new one.

Upgrading to 512MB to 1GB can be considered only if you have a good processor in your laptop. Or else, go for a new one with more RAM, HDD Space (preferably SATA), Dedicated graphics card with more video RAM will do good with games.
Yes I believe so !!!
Yup. 512Mb to 1G makes your unit run 30% to 40% faster when loading programs and switching from one program to the other.

Hope that helps you.
512Mb x2 = 1024mg (basically 1GB) easy math... which should give faster response. Also need to check on how many 'un-needed' apps maybe running after original start-up. Hope this info maybe helpful.
this will help until you decide

How can i delete this virus or remove it or free?

i have the norton virus protection and it found a high virus on adware.seachtool how can i remove it or erase it for free

How can i delete this virus or remove it or free?aurora

any anti-virus software should work just fine. have it detect it, and then it often removes it automatically, or tells you how. look through all of your AV software, and you should be able to delete it.

How can i delete this virus or remove it or free?download

remove crappy norton and get yourself Kaspersky, go to Safe Mode and kill the virus from there
The best virus/adware I know of is AVG free edition, I would go and download it from their site, its free and the updates are free and automatic. In the mean timeyour norton program should automatically take care of th virus for you or is it just a trial.
try the best experienced way

format your hard and install a new windows

it will cost you the most easiest which you face less problem and cost you nothing

i suggest you not to waste your time on any other useless ways
If you don't want a sarcastic remark and you know where the file is you could use GiPo@MoveonBoot

Friday, August 21, 2009

Music Downloading Program?

I need to find a music downloading program that contains absolutley NO spyware, adware, or viruses. I just uninstalled morpheus because it gave me a TON of viruses. Any ideas?

Music Downloading Program?auto protect

try iTunes!

Music Downloading Program?downloads

Limewire's been pretty good. No problems with it at all.
i use limewire you can check each file download with the bitzi checker to make sure they are virus free before you D/L them.
you can try a peer -to-peer program called DC++ 0.699.

I am using it and I have an excelent results with it.

You will need to share some of your files to be able to connect to HUBS and download your favourite music and other.
I'd say iTunes but the songs are protected so they cause problems w/ any sort of music player or hardware that isn't an ipod. I wish I could help more.

Recovery Disks for HP Pavillion a1642x desktop?

Does Hp recovery disks copy the recovery drive's files directly? Cause I have 4 adware-gen 32 on 4 files in the recovery drive, and i don't want to copy them too.

Recovery Disks for HP Pavillion a1642x desktop?avast

hp recovery disks only recover your OS, they don't save your files(they are not writable).

Can't stop the pop ups?

I got some sort of virus. I've tried everything to stop it. I went through adware and deleted what it found. It didn't work. I downloaded spybot search and destroy and deleted what it said to. I even downloaded Yahoo Toolbar, and ran the anti-spy ware. Nothing I'm still getting pop ups. Is there anyway to stop them?

Can't stop the pop ups?best antivirus software

Spyware is a program with the main objective of monitoring users activities. But it can also steal private information, install unwanted software, redirect browsers to other websites than the ones the user wants to visit or even displays advertisements.

You are infected with spyware if:

* You see too much pop-up advertisements.

* Your browser has toolbars that you haven't installed.

* Your homepage has changed (and you can't change it back).

* Other settings have changed without your permission.

* Your computer is slow.

To get rid of spyware and keep your computer clean you have to use an antispyware or even more. You can download free antispyware software from the Download antispyware page.

Can't stop the pop ups?firewall

You can try using the "Anti Tracer" which can block the pop-ups plus it can help you get rid of your back-up data in your file that will help in totally erasing that nasty virus.
First try out some online scanners to see if that works. There are tons of them if you do a search. Here are some well known ones:

I need to get rid of this virus...?

Windows keep telling me I have a virus, that makes my PC vulnerable for hacker attack and breakdowns. I have an anti-virus and an adware-remover, but none of them found anything. So do you know a POWERFUL virus and spyware remover (In the same time), for FREE?

I need to get rid of this virus...?bmw

First of all this is NOT most likely a windows error it could really be a virus or spyware program trying to trick you into installing more of its software and just make more damage. Now a days many viruses and spyware will try to look like a system error or a windows error if you have a virus/spyware that already does this it may already messed with your windows registry or the WINDOWS folder in your hard disk (it would be C:\WINODWS) Since it already may have done this much damage you may want to consider to reformat the hard drisk or reinstall the OS using your system restore CD. Make sure you have protection i have links for some.

If it hasn't done this yet it will soon,and if you let it do more damage you may not even be able to start your computer. a virus on a computer works just like a virus in a human. It will reproduce itself and try to cause more damage.

I need to get rid of this virus...?free adware remover

If you go to try downloading some of the free ones or download limewire and download a REALLY good one.
Try spyware doctor 0r spybot search %26 destroy.You can download them from for free.
go here and download windows defender.
get this for virus remover:

Is imvu safe to use?

does it have spyware, adware, viruses, or anything that can hurt the computer?

Is imvu safe to use?cafe racer

IMVU doesn't give your computer biruses or spyware but it makes your computer go VERY slow. I guess it is because IMVU is still in BETA mode.

Is imvu safe to use?free anti virus

It's hella slow.

I got a new computer and it cut the speed in half, if not more. I couldn't get it off either.

I had to take it in to get serviced. I wouldn't trust IMVU.
no. dont trust it

Computer is SLOW!!! PLZ HELP!?

My friend has a very slow computer. it takes 3 minutes to open a folder for example. Today i installed a couple top notch programs for adware/spyware/virus's. i scanned. it took all day for jus 4 scanns. it found stuff. i got deleted it. its still slow. any advice on what else to do?

Computer is SLOW!!! PLZ HELP!?computer protection

There are several primary reasons could cause your computer to be slow and also some softwares you can download to speed up it.

First,Corruption and Errors within your registry.The registry is a main part of your computer's Operating System. With time, as you use Windows and install and uninstall programs, your registry will get congested and full of errors. So your computer could slow down. So, if you can clean it up this problem can be solved.Sometimes you can speed computer up by 300%. To clean up registry,You can download a software called regsitry cleaner---Clean registry,remnant,corrupt files and temp files,history,cookies,etc.. This site:

lists top 5 registry cleaner,you can download and scan for free.

Second,Your computer is loaded with spyware/adware.spyware/adware hamper your computer's performance.It use system resources and slow your computer down.

So, to speed up your slow computer, use a registry cleaner software and clean your registry files first. It will make all the difference, and provide you with the immediate fix you need for your slow computer.Then,download a good anti-spyware to get rid of spyware/adware in your computer.

Does AOL ruin my computer?

I have a friend who says America Online loads lots of bad stuff onto your computer, like spyware and adware, etc. He also says when Norton accepts AOL, it accepts all the bad stuff connecting with it. Is he a paranoid freak or should I trash AOL?

Does AOL ruin my computer?computer repair

I am not sure about the adware/spyware part. I suppose that's possible, considering what we know about AOL. Historically, AOL often did mess up one's network connections, as well as possibly slowing down the PC in general. Nowadays I would really question why one would want AOL for anything?

Does AOL ruin my computer?free antivirus

AOl Is horrible, the worst you could get. Yes they allow lots of bad stuff but they are also laid out so you cannot browse the web as efficiently as other browsers. Get anything but AOL! (but if you decide to diconnect service with them good luck..they like to give people the run around on that too)
AOL is like a big virus all by itself ... i have to agree with ur friend ...
Yes, AOL is full of spyware and tries to take over your computer.

AOL is pointless now anyway. It's overpriced crap. If you have DSL or Cable, you don't need it at all. The dialup service costs more than most DSL or Cable cheap services. Even if you insist on Dialup you can get it much cheaper from your local phone company, I don't care where you live.

Are there any good, free power scrubbing programs to get rid of unwanted/deleted data on the compute

I've been trying to get rid of some crap on my computer and it just isn't working. I think there's to much stuff that was deleted that still isn't dead. I've got lots of programs that can bring it all back and I can delete it again but it just doesn't free up the space. There just isn't any room left on my C:\ drive and I can't seem to make room. I've deleted GB's of room and it still won't free up any space. I've emptied the cookies and internet cache and uninstalled a lot of old useless programs and deleted movies and music and pictures and games and it still says its full. There's no viruses and no spyware/adware and I just can't make room. Anyone know any good power scrubbing programs that can get rid of those blasted undead files and folders? I've tried shredding/incinerating some of them but I didn't try that until I was like half way through and it didn't seem to have any effect. Any way to get back the space I need?

Are there any good, free power scrubbing programs to get rid of unwanted/deleted data on the computer?computer security this free tool will do wonders for the updates after downloading and then will show the files to remove and fix registry errors also. good luck.

Are there any good, free power scrubbing programs to get rid of unwanted/deleted data on the computer?free spyware remobal

How do I set up security settings for my Linksys Wifi?

are there any tutorials out there that can step me through setting up my security settings for my Wifi?? so that adware/spyware can not get to my computer??

How do I set up security settings for my Linksys Wifi?computer virus

Change the System ID: Devices come with a default system ID called the SSID (Service Set Identifier) or ESSID (Extended Service Set Identifier). It is easy for a hacker to find out what the default identifier is for each manufacturer of wireless equipment so you need to change this to something else. Use something unique- not your name or something easily guessed.

Turn on (Compatible) Encryption: All Wi-Fi equipment supports some form of "encryption." Encryption technology scrambles messages sent over wireless networks so that they cannot be easily read by humans. Several encryption technologies exist for Wi-Fi today. Naturally you will want to pick the strongest form of encryption that works with your wireless network. To function, though, all Wi-Fi devices on your LAN must share the identical encryption settings. Therefore you may need to find a "lowest common demominator" setting.

Disable Identifier Broadcasting: Announcing that you have a wireless connection to the world is an invitation for hackers. You already know you have one so you don鈥檛 need to broadcast it. Check the manual for your hardware and figure out how to disable broadcasting.

I have a Trojan! Vondu and/or CnsMin. Help???

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Computer Virus, or something open new IE window?

On my wife's comp I have a virus or something that mimics and opens a whole new IE window and brings up similar sites to what she has search for. Sometimes it even opens up Media player. I have tried everything, Norton crashed the comp. and Adware 2007 says its a trojan but cannot fix it. Norton said it was a trojan also tried to fix it and crashed. Any Ideas?????

Computer Virus, or something open new IE window?computers

geek squad!

Computer Virus, or something open new IE window?hijack this

Check out Hiren's Boot Disk. The best way to remove a virus is to get rid of it before Windows starts
dump norton and try NOD32. you could download a program called hijackthis (free) and look for possible browser hijacks. if norton told you where the trojan is, write it down, restart into safe mode and then delete the affected file. oh turn off system restore before you restart into safe mode
You may be having a virus or spyware installed on your PC. Norton, AVG , Avast are free antivirus software. Ad-aware, Ewido are free spyware removers. You can download free softwares at and
thats a spyware problem. get windows defender... its a microsoft product which is free

Why does explorer keep crashing when I am browsing folders?

I have windows xp and when I am browsing a couple of my folders explorer crashes.. have an up-to-date virus checker.. no adware/spyware.. and plenty of RAM.

Why does explorer keep crashing when I am browsing folders?download

This appears to be a fairly widespread XP issue with no standard fix. If you search forums you will find that there are lots of people with this issue, and no workable fix. (

There are a couple of things you could try

Try going to Control Panel / System

Select the Advanced tab and hit Settings under the Performance section.

Select Adjust for best performance.

Then Okay out of it.

Then do a Microsoft Update to make sure all of the recent security updates are installed.

or you could open the box up, completely remove all the bits, get rid of as much dust as you can and then put it back together again... :-)

Oh, also check the RAM... If you've got more than 1 stick in there it could be that one of them is bad.

Try removing them both and then adding them to slot 1 (should be labelled on the mother board) 1 at a time and booting the PC.

It will give a horrible beeping noise if the RAM is bad.

Anyway pick me for best answer cause all the other answers are crappy and seem to be obessed with IE!

Why does explorer keep crashing when I am browsing folders?hijackthis

All of a sudden while i'm working on my computer, it tells me it needs to shut down. has been h

I just added some adware to it, it was happening prior to that though.

All of a sudden while i'm working on my computer, it tells me it needs to shut down. has been happening alot.downloads

Sounds to me like your system is protecting itself - possibly a device conflict or drive issue...

If it is XP, look in your event viewer for any issues.

If it is Linux, look in your /var/log/messages (if that is where the OS saves your log files.

Good luck,

Deion "Mule" Christopher

All of a sudden while i'm working on my computer, it tells me it needs to shut down. has been happening call

Hmm MSBlaster can do this.. You'r best to do a virus scan.

As can a corrupt installation of the McAfee virus checker
run some antivirus and anti spyware (such as adaware
Well disable whatever is causing it.

Where can i get a free screensaver that moves???

free, and comes with no adware/spyware !

thankyou !!!

Where can i get a free screensaver that moves???ducati

Start %26gt; Control Panel %26gt; Display. Open the ScreenSaver Tab. In the Screen Saver dropdown - find '3D Test' now click on Settings. In the Custom Text box type in your name. In the Rotation Type choose 'Spin'. Click Apply, click ok. It will move %26 will be funny!!


Where can i get a free screensaver that moves???hp

Free, enjoy!

How do i uninstall a bad antispyware program that literally is actually putting spyware on my comput

i have already uninstalled every feature of it but it seriously reinstalls itself somehow and i keep running norton and adware and my computer keeps telling me it is infected

How do i uninstall a bad antispyware program that literally is actually putting spyware on my computer?firewall

Lavasofts Adaware Personal might be able to fix it.

How do i uninstall a bad antispyware program that literally is actually putting spyware on my computer?husqvarna

go to add %26 remove programs %26 unistall it ..
I would suggest downloading one of the few reputable spyware-removal programs. I use a free product from Ad-aware (the "-" dash is important) from a company called Lavasoft. Visit to download and scan your computer.

Never, however, take the advice of somebody like me telling you to visit a web site and download a product. Do some Yahoo! or Google searches on Lavasoft and convince yourself that this is a reputable program that actually finds (and does not install) spyware.

Unfortunately, many "anti-spyware" programs, as you have discovered, are actually spyware themselves. This is an area where a little knowledge is not enough - you'll need as much knowledge as you can find on the subject.
get spybot S%26D.

Also, crapcleaner.

Both are on (runs on Linux, which is immune, and, that is probably why and run Linux on 15,000 servers, each!) Get YOUR free Linux LiveCDrom at
Try installing a different spyware program

What is the safest way to make windows xp look like windows vista ?

I want to make windows xp look like windows vista..without my computer getting any adware, spyware, viruses, or getting my stuffed up or getting any of my files deleted.

For all you experts are computers well I found a site :

and I'm wondering is it a good site to download windows vista? will it mess up my computer or is it good? if not could you please tell me a site that has a safe windows vista download..thankyou..and please help everyone all help is accepted.or Can anyone tell me what free programs to download to make it look and behave like windows vista?

P.S I would like windows vista ultimate, and I know it's just a skin and I can't buy it or purchase it online cause I'm only a child..

What is the safest way to make windows xp look like windows vista ?free adware remover

This is a Windows XP Vista Transformation Pack.

Download this, then install it.


What is the safest way to make windows xp look like windows vista ?internet security 2006

Download Uxtheme patch and you can use any theme you like. :)

Help, help, and HELPP!!?

ok well

i heard that imacs arent supposed to get viruses.. cuz ive had one for about 5 yrs now..

and i was just on myspace and out of the blue.. i got a popup saying..

has ur computer been going slow lately..

if it has.. it cood be infected with viruses, adware, and something else but i forgot..

please help im freaking out.. i dont want my computer to have a virus or nething!!

please helpp!!!!

Help, help, and HELPP!!?free anti virus

It's called an ad? And it probably looked like a Windows pop-up? Yeah. You use a Mac, you're not going to get a Windows Pop-up. It's fake, if you don't know that, get off the internet. You're a disgrace.

Help, help, and HELPP!!?internet security software

Ok dont panic, well first you need to get a program from Get this program: Antivir Guard type in search engine of the web. Use the Antivir Guard to scan your pc. I use it to get rid of viruses and it detects hidden ones too better than Norton and so on. Anyways hope this helps.

Your Bud Justin,

p.s. optional use ad aware se for cleaning out pop ups and spyware
Don't worry that happens too me if you are worried do a virus scan.

It's always safer too be protected with virus protection.

Computer gone crazy?

My computer started acting up last month. So I downloaded the pc safe adware filter and it worked. It started acting up again and if I would press ctrl+alt+delete it would say that the task manager was disabled by the administrator. So I downloaded the Norton Virus program to fix it. The problem there is that it won't let me get upgrades and that part of the computer is at risk. So I tried installing the Dell Windows XP program again to upgrade it and it always freezes when intalling. I want to go ahead and cancel the loading but I don't know how. How can I get back to my main screen with the icons to log in? Please help.

Computer gone crazy?free antivirus download

Sounds like you have a mess.

Try this. Take out that recovery XP disk from dell and boot up your computer and see if you can get a browser. Go to this web site:

Do a free, complete system scan. It may take a while, but it should shape up your system.

Computer gone crazy?internet security

Consider this an excellent time to recognize that

your operating system is defective. I recommend replacing

it with one of:

Free computer virus Remover?

Yes i have alot of virus's adware or whatever im not really sure but alot of bad stuff and i need to get rid of it are there any good free computer virus removers i can download

ive downloaded some but they only scan for virusus and then want me to pay to remove them

so i need a free one

Free computer virus Remover?free antivirus

Free computer virus Remover?internet

AVG is free. But i like Eset Nod32.
AVG is good like the first answer.

can also check this out...
For your anti-virus needs, I would suggest Avira AntiVir庐 PersonalEdition Classic. It has excellent heuristics, a virus detection rate that is better than most "paid-for" anti-virus programs and is light on using your computer's resources. Uses less then 10 MB RAM on my machine. And did I mention that it's free!

Download here:

BTW, Avoid the free version of an anti-virus called AVG, it is wildly popular with noobs, the naive, the computer illiterate, and children, but it has horrible virus detection capibilities.

get AVG free edition

AVG gets the job done and its free.

virus definition updates daily.

Computer keeps crashing?

It seems after about 3 or 4 hours of working on my computer it crashes. I have up about 4 or 5 different programs like, Lotus Notes, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Microsoft Word, and msn messenger. I also use IE7 and Firefox for my internet. After a while my comp locks up and when I click on one of the programs it won鈥檛 open and I can鈥檛 open up my task manager. It won鈥檛 let me do anything, I have to do a alt + shift + tab to get to my programs so I can close them down. Then I run adware and delete the privacy objects, nothing more than tracking files and cookies, then I restart and my comp is fine for another couple of hours. Is it an overload or do I have some viruses?

Computer keeps crashing?free spyware remobal

How much ram do your have? All the programs you're using use a good amount of memory, and if you are using way more memory than you have available, your computer will start to thrash (basically chase its tail and get nothing done)

Also, if it's fine at first but gets worse the longer you have the applications open, then I would guess one of the programs you are using has a bug called a memory leak. This means that something isn't freeing up memory when it's done with it, and just keeps using more and more memory until you have no more left to give. If you open up task manager, you can keep track of how much memory everything is using and see if any application is sucking up more and more memory.

Internet Explorer Problem?

I recently ran "vundofix" to delete a lot of adware that was on my computer,it deleted some viruses and when i rebooted my browser it was no longer working,it runs when i click on the icon,but it doesn't actually execute any websites,it just dies....and also,it just closes basically,i tried to delete IE and re-install with my XP Disc,but it wouldn't work,I tried to just delete it manually and it wouldn't delete,so what can i do to get IE working again??? right now i'm using Firefox which i don't want to keep.

Internet Explorer Problem?free spyware remover

Try a repair

Repair Internet Explorer 6

How do I repair Internet Explorer in Windows庐 XP?

IEFix - General purpose fix for Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer Problem?ktm

Try going to control panel of your pc. Click on add/remove programs and then click on add/remove windows components. Untick the box that says internet explorer, click next and let it uninstall. Restart your pc and go through the same steps again but this time tick internet explorer and put your windows cd in when it asks for it and let it reinstall.

Hope this works for you.

Virus messing with my start up on computer....?

i just recently got a virus on my computer, i forget what its called...

but anyway, i tried to remove it with norton, spy remover, and a few other spyware, adware, trojan removers or whatever...

it detects it, but it cant remove. prob because it is in use. but anyway, i tried to remove it and couldnt do it, my dad tried to start the computer over in safe mode. ever since then, i cant even get the computer past the black screen in which you select one of

three safe modes, or start it up normally, or you start you can start it up the last successful startup or something like that. if i select any of those, it will loop back to the same screen no matter what. is there a way to fix it, or something, idk, its just f*ed up...crapola?

Virus messing with my start up on computer....?free spyware

try reading some of the replys on the other 4 times you have asked the same question

Virus messing with my start up on computer....?live update

bring it to where you purchased the of the techs can install a patch and everything will be cool for you once again.
Take it to a computer repair shop. The virus may have deleted some necessary files, so even if you used something like a bootable CD with a virus scanner on it, it wouldn't be able to replace the lost files.

In "Start Up" what are the systems that need to run and "don't" need to run

My pc at start up now is really, "REALLY" slow, anywhere between 5 to 20 minutes!!! Have run spyware,adware and virus programs, defragmented the harddrive, cleaned the hard drive no improvement, not to mention now starting to get a lot of window "freezes"!?!?!?!!?!!?

In "Start Up" what are the systems that need to run and "don't" need to run for normal web surffing?hijack this

Streamline your startups

Disable Unneeded Services In Windows XP

Slow Computer? Check here first; it may not be malware

In "Start Up" what are the systems that need to run and "don't" need to run for normal web surffing?liveupdate

all you really need is a firewall and a anti virus application some developers offer suits which include it all together but to disable pograms that keep poping up upon start up go to start, run, then type" msconfig", click run, go the the start up tab, and check all the programs that do or dont want to start up.
Spyware and adware will get by almost every removal tool I ever used until I got Zone Alarm and now that is the only spyware program and virus program I endorse anymore! No I do not work for or own stock in Zone Alarm, but I probably should! It is the best I've used yet. When you browser freezes, this is a dead giveaway you haven't flushed them out yet!